no class tonight, 12/7. Make-up class will be Tuesday, 12/21
Travel safe out there! Some areas are getting it worse then others.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Nutcracker T-shirts

We are taking orders for short and long sleeved Nutcracker tees. The artwork above is what you will find on the front of your shirt. Cast members have the option of ordering shirts with the cast list on the back. Be sure you have checked your file folder for order information/forms. Your order needs to be placed no later then 11/20!!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Common Characteristics of 5 Year Olds
At my children's first parent teacher conference of the year we received a wonderful leaflet outlining common developmental characteristics of children. As an educator (of any kind) it is important to have a grasp of these stepping stones and stages as you work with children. As a parent it is important to have an understanding as well. It helps us measure typical behaviors and abilities and can allow us to recognize red flags when needed.
When you chose In Motion for your child's dance education, it is important to know that you chose a dance school that has a staff committed to teaching dance properly, teaches terminology, makes dance fun, provides structure, and is always educating themselves to be better teachers. In a continued effort to be well equipped to teach your children, understanding the social, cognitive, and of course physical stages of children is key.
Today I will share the characteristics of a 5 Year old. This information is "Adapted from Yardsticks - Children in the Classroom Ages 4-14" All text below is taken straight from the material...
"Five, overall, is a time of great happiness. Life is "good," says the five-year-old. Five is also a time of great change. During this one year, children may go from being cautious and compliant to uncertain and oppositional.
- Early in the year, like to help, follow the rules, and be "good"
- Later, may test or oppose adult authority or show uncertainty (not sure whether to be "good" or naughty")
- Need consistent rules and enforcement; respond well to clear and simple expectations
- Need empathetic discipline as they test limits and make mistakes
- Better control of running, jumping, and other large movements
- Need lots of physical activity, including free play
- still awkward with writing, handcrafts, and other small movements
- early in the year, pace themselves well; later, tire quickly
- pencil grip changes from three-fingered to other grips
- able to see close objects best; not yet able to sweep focus smoothly from left to right
- read one word at a time
- copying from blackboard is hard
- see only one way to do things; rarely see other viewpoints
- imaginative and believe toys and other objects are alive
- think very literally ("raining cats and dogs" means cats and dogs are falling from the sky)
- often reverse letters and numbers
- early in the year, like to copy and repeat activities; later, like to try more new activities
- often think out loud before acting ("I'm going to move the truck")
- learn best by exploring materials such as blocks, clay, finger paints, rocks, and shells"
Provided by Responsive Classroom - A practical approach to creating safe, challenging, and joyful elementary classrooms and schools
When you chose In Motion for your child's dance education, it is important to know that you chose a dance school that has a staff committed to teaching dance properly, teaches terminology, makes dance fun, provides structure, and is always educating themselves to be better teachers. In a continued effort to be well equipped to teach your children, understanding the social, cognitive, and of course physical stages of children is key.
Today I will share the characteristics of a 5 Year old. This information is "Adapted from Yardsticks - Children in the Classroom Ages 4-14" All text below is taken straight from the material...
"Five, overall, is a time of great happiness. Life is "good," says the five-year-old. Five is also a time of great change. During this one year, children may go from being cautious and compliant to uncertain and oppositional.
- Early in the year, like to help, follow the rules, and be "good"
- Later, may test or oppose adult authority or show uncertainty (not sure whether to be "good" or naughty")
- Need consistent rules and enforcement; respond well to clear and simple expectations
- Need empathetic discipline as they test limits and make mistakes
- Better control of running, jumping, and other large movements
- Need lots of physical activity, including free play
- still awkward with writing, handcrafts, and other small movements
- early in the year, pace themselves well; later, tire quickly
- pencil grip changes from three-fingered to other grips
- able to see close objects best; not yet able to sweep focus smoothly from left to right
- read one word at a time
- copying from blackboard is hard
- see only one way to do things; rarely see other viewpoints
- imaginative and believe toys and other objects are alive
- think very literally ("raining cats and dogs" means cats and dogs are falling from the sky)
- often reverse letters and numbers
- early in the year, like to copy and repeat activities; later, like to try more new activities
- often think out loud before acting ("I'm going to move the truck")
- learn best by exploring materials such as blocks, clay, finger paints, rocks, and shells"
Provided by Responsive Classroom - A practical approach to creating safe, challenging, and joyful elementary classrooms and schools
Monday, November 01, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Enrollment information
It's not too late to register for classes with In Motion! We will accept new students until the end of October. We still have spaces available!! At this time we are excited to announce that our current enrollment is:
94 Families
122 students
245 class spaces filled **updated 10/7
As we continue to grow and offer quality dance education to students in the North Country, we hope you consider our dance school, In Motion School of Dance! 11 years and still getting better!
Classes still available:
**Monday -5-5:30 - Pre-Ballet - 2 spaces available
Monday - 4:45-5:30 - Beg. Tap 2 - 5 spaces available
Monday - 5:30-6:15 - Hip Hop ages 5-9 - 9 spaces available
Monday - 7:15-8:15 - Hip Hop ages 10 and up - 11 spaces available
**Tuesday - 5:30-6:15 - Beg. Ballet 3 (beg) - 4 spaces available
Wednesday - 11-11:30a - Creative Movement - 3 spaces available
**Wednesday - 12:30-1 - Pre-Ballet - 3 spaces available
Wednesday - 4-4:45 - Beg. Jazz 2 - 9 spaces available
Wednesday - 4:45-5:30 - Beg. Ballet 2 (adv) - 9 spaces available
Wednesday - 5:30-6:15 - Beg. Ballet 3 (adv) - 9 spaces available
Wednesday - 5:30-6:30 - Int 2/Adv Ballet - 8 spaces available
Wednesday - 6:45-7:15 - Beg. Jazz 3 - 11 spaces available
**Wednesday - 7-8 - Teen Combo - 8 spaces available
Wednesday - 7:15-8 - Teen Tap - 13 spaces available
Thursday - 4-4:45 - Beg. Ballet 1a - 2 spaces available
Thursday - 4:45-5:30 - Beg. Lyrical 1 - 8 spaces available
**Thursday - 5:30-6:15 - Beg. Tap 1 - 1 spaces available
Thursday - 6:15-7 - Beg. Lyrical 2 - 13 spaces available
**Saturday - 10:45-11:30 - Beg. Ballet 1b - 7 spaces available
** - updated 10/7
Classes awaiting enrollment to open:
Beg. Jazz 1 - Mondays 4:15-5
Beg. Lyrical for pre-teens - not on schedule yet
Pre-Ballet - 12:30 Saturdays
Pre-Jazz - 1:00 Saturdays
94 Families
122 students
245 class spaces filled **updated 10/7
As we continue to grow and offer quality dance education to students in the North Country, we hope you consider our dance school, In Motion School of Dance! 11 years and still getting better!
Classes still available:
**Monday -5-5:30 - Pre-Ballet - 2 spaces available
Monday - 4:45-5:30 - Beg. Tap 2 - 5 spaces available
Monday - 5:30-6:15 - Hip Hop ages 5-9 - 9 spaces available
Monday - 7:15-8:15 - Hip Hop ages 10 and up - 11 spaces available
**Tuesday - 5:30-6:15 - Beg. Ballet 3 (beg) - 4 spaces available
Wednesday - 11-11:30a - Creative Movement - 3 spaces available
**Wednesday - 12:30-1 - Pre-Ballet - 3 spaces available
Wednesday - 4-4:45 - Beg. Jazz 2 - 9 spaces available
Wednesday - 4:45-5:30 - Beg. Ballet 2 (adv) - 9 spaces available
Wednesday - 5:30-6:15 - Beg. Ballet 3 (adv) - 9 spaces available
Wednesday - 5:30-6:30 - Int 2/Adv Ballet - 8 spaces available
Wednesday - 6:45-7:15 - Beg. Jazz 3 - 11 spaces available
**Wednesday - 7-8 - Teen Combo - 8 spaces available
Wednesday - 7:15-8 - Teen Tap - 13 spaces available
Thursday - 4-4:45 - Beg. Ballet 1a - 2 spaces available
Thursday - 4:45-5:30 - Beg. Lyrical 1 - 8 spaces available
**Thursday - 5:30-6:15 - Beg. Tap 1 - 1 spaces available
Thursday - 6:15-7 - Beg. Lyrical 2 - 13 spaces available
**Saturday - 10:45-11:30 - Beg. Ballet 1b - 7 spaces available
** - updated 10/7
Classes awaiting enrollment to open:
Beg. Jazz 1 - Mondays 4:15-5
Beg. Lyrical for pre-teens - not on schedule yet
Pre-Ballet - 12:30 Saturdays
Pre-Jazz - 1:00 Saturdays
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Enrollment Update for classes
At this time we are closing the following classes due to full enrollment:
-Beg. Ballet 2 on Tuesdays at 4:15
-Pre-school combo on Wednesdays at 11:45**
At this time we are closing the following classes due to LOW enrollment and generating a wait list for the following classes:
-Beginning Lyrical 2 Thursdays 6:15-7 (starting Oct. 1) - only 2 enrolled
-Beginning Tap 1 Saturdays 10-10:45 (starting Oct. 1) - only 1 enrolled
-Beginning Lyrical 1 Saturdays 10:45 (current) - 0 enrolled
Classes with very few openings left:
-Intermediate 1/2 Ballet Mondays 6:15 – 1 space left
-Beg. Ballet 3 Tue. 5:00 – 3/4 spaces **
-Creative Movement Wed. 11-11:30 – 3 spaces left
-Pre-Ballet Wed. 12:30-1 – 2/3 spaces left **
-Beg. Ballet 1a Thurs 4-4:45 – 2/3 spaces left**
-Beg. Tap 1 Thurs. 5:30-6:15 – 3 spaces left
** students are trialing classes. Once these are firmed up we can better determine the class size and openings available.
-- Shereen Daly
In Motion School of Dance
Celebrating 11 Years of educating young dancers!
-Beg. Ballet 2 on Tuesdays at 4:15
-Pre-school combo on Wednesdays at 11:45**
At this time we are closing the following classes due to LOW enrollment and generating a wait list for the following classes:
-Beginning Lyrical 2 Thursdays 6:15-7 (starting Oct. 1) - only 2 enrolled
-Beginning Tap 1 Saturdays 10-10:45 (starting Oct. 1) - only 1 enrolled
-Beginning Lyrical 1 Saturdays 10:45 (current) - 0 enrolled
Classes with very few openings left:
-Intermediate 1/2 Ballet Mondays 6:15 – 1 space left
-Beg. Ballet 3 Tue. 5:00 – 3/4 spaces **
-Creative Movement Wed. 11-11:30 – 3 spaces left
-Pre-Ballet Wed. 12:30-1 – 2/3 spaces left **
-Beg. Ballet 1a Thurs 4-4:45 – 2/3 spaces left**
-Beg. Tap 1 Thurs. 5:30-6:15 – 3 spaces left
** students are trialing classes. Once these are firmed up we can better determine the class size and openings available.
-- Shereen Daly
In Motion School of Dance
Celebrating 11 Years of educating young dancers!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
The Nutcracker Details!
CASTING INFORMATION - please see the post below for Audition date and times. Know that casting will be determined by the information below AND costume sizes and sign-ups/audition turn out. We'll be choosing some roles based on what is seen in group auditions. Also, work in classes is considered as well when selecting dancers. Each family participating will be responsible for a $20 fee to participate this year and will also be given comp. tickets (# TBD later) for each show.
ACT I - roles and breakdowns
The Party Scene is a big portion of ACT I. It includes:
* the guests arriving to the party (dancers and non-dancers as stage fillers)
*The Nutcracker March - Older Girls and Boys/Little Girls and Boys (see below)
*Dance of Friends - 4 Advanced Beginner or Intermediate ballet students and 4 Ballet 2/3 students
*Clara's solo - must be Ballet 3 or Int. ballet dancer - approx 10-12 years of age, must be animated and have good stage presence
*The Adult dance - we will need 5/6 "couples" of adult volunteers to learn simple dance
** I would add a Father Daughter Dance OR Grandparent dance if I had volunteers!
LITTLE GIRLS/BOYS - 16-20 students to play the parts of Little Girls and Little Boys in the Nutcracker March. We will be needing people that are strong leaders (have done it before or a bit older then others) as well as new faces that can learn quickly. General ages for the LITTLE parts are 5-8/9 years old. You do NOT have to be a student in a ballet class!
OLDWE GIRLS/BOYS - 6 Older Girls and 6 Older "Boys" to perform the March as well. These students are generally around 10 and up. The Older Girls should be ballet students. The Older Boys do NOT need to be ballet student - they can come from any of our In Motion classes. The choreography for the "boys" is based mainly on walking patterns.
DANCING TOYS - The Director will invite select students based on auditions of group pieces for the toys: 2 Dolls, 1 Puppet, 1 Toy Soldier
*Fritz - we'd be looking for a boy to play the part of Clara's brother - 9-12 years of age approx. (This person should be willing but won't necessarily would be in...the Nutcracker March dance) - please sign up with the Director
The next big scene in Act I is the Battle Scene. It includes:
* Clara
* The Nutcracker - need another volunteer to play this - boy around 9-12 years of age - "dances" with soldiers
*Mice - 6-9 students ages 5-7 (would allow an older 4 who can follow directions and has good spacial awareness) No ballet required
*Soldiers - must have the same amount of soldiers as Mice (for partnering section). Approx. 7-10 years old. Ballet is not a requirement
*Mouse King - approx 10-12 years of age - must be willing to be animated and dramatic! Make the most of that big death scene! :)
The next dance scene in Act I is the change into the Snowflakes scene. The Christmas Trees perform during this scene change.
*The Christmas Trees - 6 students (ballet is helpful but not a must necessarily) - 6-9 years old approx.
*Snowflakes - around 12 Beg. Ballet 3, Int, Adv. students (must have an even #)
*Snow Queen - POINTE/ADV. student!
ACT II Roles and Breakdowns
ACT I is a welcome to Clara and The Nutcracker to the Land of Sweets. Each dance occurs one after the next and the show ends with a big curtain call and send off for Nutcracker and Clara in their magical Sleigh.
*Spanish - 3 Int/Adv Ballet students
*Chinese - Beg. Ballet 3 students
*Marzipan - 9 Beg. Ballet 2 or 3 students
*Russian - approx. 5 dancers (ballet a plus but not a must)... COULD consider changing this to a younger or mixed group this year?? Must be able to do lots of jumps, must have good technique, clean lines, stamina, TURNS - looking for dancers level 3 and up GYMNASTS NEEDED!!
*Mother Ginger - 8 dancers - Beg. Ballet 2 and 3
* Arabian - 1 advanced student - we have 2 options for the direction of this: flexible, strong technique, bare foot OR POINTE
*Waltz of the Flowers - 8 Int/Adv. dancers
*??Lead Flower - 1 Adv. or POINTE dancer
ACT I - roles and breakdowns
The Party Scene is a big portion of ACT I. It includes:
* the guests arriving to the party (dancers and non-dancers as stage fillers)
*The Nutcracker March - Older Girls and Boys/Little Girls and Boys (see below)
*Dance of Friends - 4 Advanced Beginner or Intermediate ballet students and 4 Ballet 2/3 students
*Clara's solo - must be Ballet 3 or Int. ballet dancer - approx 10-12 years of age, must be animated and have good stage presence
*The Adult dance - we will need 5/6 "couples" of adult volunteers to learn simple dance
** I would add a Father Daughter Dance OR Grandparent dance if I had volunteers!
LITTLE GIRLS/BOYS - 16-20 students to play the parts of Little Girls and Little Boys in the Nutcracker March. We will be needing people that are strong leaders (have done it before or a bit older then others) as well as new faces that can learn quickly. General ages for the LITTLE parts are 5-8/9 years old. You do NOT have to be a student in a ballet class!
OLDWE GIRLS/BOYS - 6 Older Girls and 6 Older "Boys" to perform the March as well. These students are generally around 10 and up. The Older Girls should be ballet students. The Older Boys do NOT need to be ballet student - they can come from any of our In Motion classes. The choreography for the "boys" is based mainly on walking patterns.
DANCING TOYS - The Director will invite select students based on auditions of group pieces for the toys: 2 Dolls, 1 Puppet, 1 Toy Soldier
*Fritz - we'd be looking for a boy to play the part of Clara's brother - 9-12 years of age approx. (This person should be willing but won't necessarily would be in...the Nutcracker March dance) - please sign up with the Director
The next big scene in Act I is the Battle Scene. It includes:
* Clara
* The Nutcracker - need another volunteer to play this - boy around 9-12 years of age - "dances" with soldiers
*Mice - 6-9 students ages 5-7 (would allow an older 4 who can follow directions and has good spacial awareness) No ballet required
*Soldiers - must have the same amount of soldiers as Mice (for partnering section). Approx. 7-10 years old. Ballet is not a requirement
*Mouse King - approx 10-12 years of age - must be willing to be animated and dramatic! Make the most of that big death scene! :)
The next dance scene in Act I is the change into the Snowflakes scene. The Christmas Trees perform during this scene change.
*The Christmas Trees - 6 students (ballet is helpful but not a must necessarily) - 6-9 years old approx.
*Snowflakes - around 12 Beg. Ballet 3, Int, Adv. students (must have an even #)
*Snow Queen - POINTE/ADV. student!
ACT II Roles and Breakdowns
ACT I is a welcome to Clara and The Nutcracker to the Land of Sweets. Each dance occurs one after the next and the show ends with a big curtain call and send off for Nutcracker and Clara in their magical Sleigh.
*Spanish - 3 Int/Adv Ballet students
*Chinese - Beg. Ballet 3 students
*Marzipan - 9 Beg. Ballet 2 or 3 students
*Russian - approx. 5 dancers (ballet a plus but not a must)... COULD consider changing this to a younger or mixed group this year?? Must be able to do lots of jumps, must have good technique, clean lines, stamina, TURNS - looking for dancers level 3 and up GYMNASTS NEEDED!!
*Mother Ginger - 8 dancers - Beg. Ballet 2 and 3
* Arabian - 1 advanced student - we have 2 options for the direction of this: flexible, strong technique, bare foot OR POINTE
*Waltz of the Flowers - 8 Int/Adv. dancers
*??Lead Flower - 1 Adv. or POINTE dancer
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
You must be a student with In Motion to participate - this is a dance school production with all the work done by dance studio staff, dancers and families.
Sunday, September 19th:
1:00 p.m. - Mice, Angels, Christmas Trees
1:30 – Party Scene dancers, Dance of Friends, Soldiers
2:00 – Marzipan, Mother Ginger
2:20 – Chinese, Russian
2:45 – Waltz of the Flowers, Snowflakes, Clara, Arabian, Soldier, Snow Queen, Lead Flower
Staying on schedule will be determined partly by how many students we need to get through. Be patient and understand we may not run exactly on time... have your dancer ready however by the times listed above.
Please use both sides of the building for parking and try to limit the amount of people you need to bring with you as it sometimes can get very crowded in the waiting area on audition day. We are using a Sunday to avoid congestion with Saturday classes this year and hope this helps people.
We recommend trying out for more then one part. You may be selected for a part that you didn't "try out" for. We will try to place as many students as possible. There are roles for younger students and older. We need lots of girls to be boys too! Keep watching for a breakdown on recommendations for ages for these roles, descriptions, and pre-requisites (for example: Waltz of Flowers must be students in certain levels of ballet classes).
Sunday, September 19th:
1:00 p.m. - Mice, Angels, Christmas Trees
1:30 – Party Scene dancers, Dance of Friends, Soldiers
2:00 – Marzipan, Mother Ginger
2:20 – Chinese, Russian
2:45 – Waltz of the Flowers, Snowflakes, Clara, Arabian, Soldier, Snow Queen, Lead Flower
Staying on schedule will be determined partly by how many students we need to get through. Be patient and understand we may not run exactly on time... have your dancer ready however by the times listed above.
Please use both sides of the building for parking and try to limit the amount of people you need to bring with you as it sometimes can get very crowded in the waiting area on audition day. We are using a Sunday to avoid congestion with Saturday classes this year and hope this helps people.
We recommend trying out for more then one part. You may be selected for a part that you didn't "try out" for. We will try to place as many students as possible. There are roles for younger students and older. We need lots of girls to be boys too! Keep watching for a breakdown on recommendations for ages for these roles, descriptions, and pre-requisites (for example: Waltz of Flowers must be students in certain levels of ballet classes).
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Nutcracker auditions
We will be holding 2 dates for different roles in the Nutcracker this year. Our first audition date will be be NEXT Sunday, 9/19!! Details will follow soon. Hand-outs and postings will be available in classes this week. A 2nd date will be in the beginning of October with rehearsals beginning soon after. Rehearsals will be Fri-Sunday. This does not mean you will need to be there Fri-Sun...this simply means these are the days of the week we'll be using this year to hold practices. It will depend on the given weekend and the role you have which day over a weekend you will have. Rehearsals for approximately 6-8 weeks at a time are scheduled so that you can adjust your schedule accordingly. Participants are expected to have good attendance so that we can get choreography taught to the dancers and have time for polishing and overall rehearsals. Plan to be available for a full company rehearsal on the Wed. before Thanksgiving - this is an annual must be available! We look forward to our 5th Nutcracker season and hope to see lots of faces there!
Friday, September 10, 2010
In Motion goes Italian!
On Saturday, September 11, the In Motion Company Stars will be performing at the Bravo Italiano Festival at 2:30 p.m. on the main stage in the Fairgrounds Ice Arena. Come down and watch the kids perform their dances from last season and stick around and enjoy some great Italian food made fresh! We will have Registration Forms and other literature with us for any interested families/students.
Tentative Bravo Line-up
If We Hold On Together
100 Years
Disco Inferno
Puttin' On The Ritz
Power of the Dream
Watch Over You
After Tonight
Spoonful of Sugar
When She Loves Me
Love Lockdown
Tres Deseos
Tentative Bravo Line-up
If We Hold On Together
100 Years
Disco Inferno
Puttin' On The Ritz
Power of the Dream
Watch Over You
After Tonight
Spoonful of Sugar
When She Loves Me
Love Lockdown
Tres Deseos
Thursday, September 09, 2010
Full enrollment for Pre-k combo
First class closing announcement!! Monday - Pre-K Combo - now closed to enrollment - full roster. We will be taking names and numbers for a waiting list for this class beginning today.
Wednesday, September 08, 2010
Classes begin soon!
Classes begin Monday, 9/13!! We are not open this week as we are all busy preparing for the start of new classes. If you are interested in signing up for classes please contact us via email: or by phone 785-5513 and someone will return your call as soon as we can. Keep in mind we have busy schedules and little people in school as well and will do our very best to contact you and get new and old families ready for dance! :)
Monday, August 30, 2010
Monday, Aug. 30
Open House continues tonight 5-7 p.m.!!
We will be holding a can and bottle drive to benefit the In Motion Company Stars so please bring out anything you have. :)
Rehearsal for the Bravo Italiano Fest begins at 5:30 with the following schedule:
5:30 - Disco Inferno
5:45 - Imagine
6:10 - Puttin' On The Ritz
6:30 - 100 Years
6:45 - Love Lockdown
We will be holding a can and bottle drive to benefit the In Motion Company Stars so please bring out anything you have. :)
Rehearsal for the Bravo Italiano Fest begins at 5:30 with the following schedule:
5:30 - Disco Inferno
5:45 - Imagine
6:10 - Puttin' On The Ritz
6:30 - 100 Years
6:45 - Love Lockdown
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Bravo practice next week
8/29 - Open House 11-3!!
Bottle and Can Drive and Rummage sale to raise $ for the In Motion Company Stars!!
rehearsal for Bravo Italiano (company groups):
Allison and Shereen will split into the 2 rooms and rehearse the girls at the same time. :)
12:00 – Power of the Dream & If We Hold On Together
12:30 – Tres Deseos & Hair
1:00 - ABC & Spoonful of Sugar
8/30- Open House 5-7 !!
Bottle and Can Drive and Rummage Sale to raise $ for the In Motion Company Stars!!
5:30 – Disco Inferno
5:45 – Imagine
6:10 – Puttin’ On The Ritz
6:30 – 100 Years
6:45 – Love Lockdown
2nd date for practice – Tentative – Wed. 9/8 afterschool and/or morning of the performance? 9/11 – at the studio... Pencil it in and feedback please. (JUST rec'd word the stage might be available Thursday, 9/9 for a practice - more details to follow)
Bottle and Can Drive and Rummage sale to raise $ for the In Motion Company Stars!!
rehearsal for Bravo Italiano (company groups):
Allison and Shereen will split into the 2 rooms and rehearse the girls at the same time. :)
12:00 – Power of the Dream & If We Hold On Together
12:30 – Tres Deseos & Hair
1:00 - ABC & Spoonful of Sugar
8/30- Open House 5-7 !!
Bottle and Can Drive and Rummage Sale to raise $ for the In Motion Company Stars!!
5:30 – Disco Inferno
5:45 – Imagine
6:10 – Puttin’ On The Ritz
6:30 – 100 Years
6:45 – Love Lockdown
2nd date for practice – Tentative – Wed. 9/8 afterschool and/or morning of the performance? 9/11 – at the studio... Pencil it in and feedback please. (JUST rec'd word the stage might be available Thursday, 9/9 for a practice - more details to follow)
Monday, August 23
9:30-10:30 review day for all company members w/ Tani, Shereen, & Tricia (lyrical/jazz).
10:30-11:10 - all tap groups review
11:15-11:45 - Private lesson (Taylor w/ Shereen)
Inquiries are welcome! also... email
10:30-11:10 - all tap groups review
11:15-11:45 - Private lesson (Taylor w/ Shereen)
Inquiries are welcome! also... email
Monday, August 16, 2010
Aug. 16 week
Aug. 16 - Tani's classes 3:30-6 p.m. tonight
NNY All Starz Hip Hop camp begins 8/18!!
Choreography for the season will be taught in these sessions - attendance is a must!
Wed - 9-12 - SRS. 12:30-2 - Youth
Thurs - 9-11 SRS. 11:30-1 - Youth
Friday - same as Wed.
We are also open for any inquiries and registrations during these times.
8/23 we are open 9:30-11:15 - company technique and review day
Open House is coming up 8/29 and 8/30!!!
NNY All Starz Hip Hop camp begins 8/18!!
Choreography for the season will be taught in these sessions - attendance is a must!
Wed - 9-12 - SRS. 12:30-2 - Youth
Thurs - 9-11 SRS. 11:30-1 - Youth
Friday - same as Wed.
We are also open for any inquiries and registrations during these times.
8/23 we are open 9:30-11:15 - company technique and review day
Open House is coming up 8/29 and 8/30!!!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Some East Coast Studio Trivia
How do we measure up?
Based on survey information from the 2009/2010 registered studio owners for Dance Teacher Summit here is some information coming out of the the East Coast. Average Reg. Fee - $24, Tuition Single Class per Month - $58.50, 83.3% offer multiple class discounts and 16.6% offer Unlimited Class discounts.
In Motion's Reg. Fee - $18 for new students, $14 for returning students, Tuition - $32.50/$37.50/$45 (based on length of class), we do have a multiple class discount, we do not have an unlimited class discount.
Based on survey information from the 2009/2010 registered studio owners for Dance Teacher Summit here is some information coming out of the the East Coast. Average Reg. Fee - $24, Tuition Single Class per Month - $58.50, 83.3% offer multiple class discounts and 16.6% offer Unlimited Class discounts.
In Motion's Reg. Fee - $18 for new students, $14 for returning students, Tuition - $32.50/$37.50/$45 (based on length of class), we do have a multiple class discount, we do not have an unlimited class discount.
Next set of hours!
8/14 - Company Classes - Choreography Day
9:30-10:15 – Little Jazz Company
10:20-11:05 – Little Lyrical Company
11:10-11:40 – Little Tap Company
11:45-12:30 – Petite Tap Company
12:35-1:20 – Petite Jazz Company
1:25- 2:10 – Petite Lyrical Company
Monday, 8/16 - Tani's Monday classes continue: 3:30-6:00
NNY Hip Hop Choreography Camps for Youth and Senior Teams - 8/18-8/20!!
Next Company class - Aug. 23
Look for rehearsal sked for 8/29 and 8/30 for Bravo Performance!
Open House- 8/29 - 11a-3p & 8/30 5-7p
Can/Bottle Drive and Rummage Sale to raise funds for Stars Competition group will run simultaneously!
Make-up class for Jrs/Srs. on 8/31 - tentative...need feedback on available times.
9:30-10:15 – Little Jazz Company
10:20-11:05 – Little Lyrical Company
11:10-11:40 – Little Tap Company
11:45-12:30 – Petite Tap Company
12:35-1:20 – Petite Jazz Company
1:25- 2:10 – Petite Lyrical Company
Monday, 8/16 - Tani's Monday classes continue: 3:30-6:00
NNY Hip Hop Choreography Camps for Youth and Senior Teams - 8/18-8/20!!
Next Company class - Aug. 23
Look for rehearsal sked for 8/29 and 8/30 for Bravo Performance!
Open House- 8/29 - 11a-3p & 8/30 5-7p
Can/Bottle Drive and Rummage Sale to raise funds for Stars Competition group will run simultaneously!
Make-up class for Jrs/Srs. on 8/31 - tentative...need feedback on available times.
Sunday, August 08, 2010
Hours of week of 8/9
Monday, Aug. 9 – Choreography Day
9:30-10:15 – Petite Jazz Company
10:20-11:05 – Petite Lyrical Company
11:10-11:40 – Petite Tap Company
11:45-12:30 – Little Tap Company
12:35-1:20 – Little Jazz Company
1:25- 2:10 – Little Lyrical Company
Tani - 3:30-6:00 - private lessons and classes
Jeri - 7-8 - Ballroom private lesson
Tuesday, August 10 – Choeography Day
3:10-3:55 – Jr. Jazz Company
4-4:45 – Jr. Company Lyrical
4:50-5:35 – Jr/Sr. Tap Company
5:45-6:45 – Sr. Company
Kayla - 6-7:30
**Jr/Sr company members – alternative dates for a make-up would be 8/30 or 8/31. I have open house on 8/30 (5-7 p.m.) so I could do it before maybe? On Tuesday 8/31 I could do daytime...anything before 4:00 probably. Let me know who would be available to come then and I’ll send home a little survey to those that come on Tuesday too. :)
Monday, Aug. 9 – Choreography Day
9:30-10:15 – Petite Jazz Company
10:20-11:05 – Petite Lyrical Company
11:10-11:40 – Petite Tap Company
11:45-12:30 – Little Tap Company
12:35-1:20 – Little Jazz Company
1:25- 2:10 – Little Lyrical Company
Tani - 3:30-6:00 - private lessons and classes
Jeri - 7-8 - Ballroom private lesson
Tuesday, August 10 – Choeography Day
3:10-3:55 – Jr. Jazz Company
4-4:45 – Jr. Company Lyrical
4:50-5:35 – Jr/Sr. Tap Company
5:45-6:45 – Sr. Company
Kayla - 6-7:30
**Jr/Sr company members – alternative dates for a make-up would be 8/30 or 8/31. I have open house on 8/30 (5-7 p.m.) so I could do it before maybe? On Tuesday 8/31 I could do daytime...anything before 4:00 probably. Let me know who would be available to come then and I’ll send home a little survey to those that come on Tuesday too. :)
Friday, July 23, 2010
Studio Hours for 7/26-7/30
1:00 - Pre-Ballet
1:30- Pre-school combo
2:15 - Beg. 1 Tap
3:10-3:55 - Jr. Jazz Company - CHOREOGRAPHY
4-4:45 - Jr. Lyrical Company - CHOREOGRAPHY
4:50-5:35 - Jr/Sr. Tap Company - CHOREOGRAPHY
5:45-6:45 - Sr. Company - Technique and CHOREOGRAPHY
3:30 - Private Lesson
4:00 - Beg. Ballet - level 1
4:45 - Beg. Lyrical - level 1
5:30 - Private Lesson
Level 3 and Intermediate Ballet - 6-7
Pointe - 7-7:30
Tricia, Tani, and Shereen leave for NYC the week of August 1 for the Dance Teacher Summit... Check back after for updates and pictures.
Savannah will be subbing for Shereen's rec classes
Tani's classes will be taking Monday off and adding an extra Monday on to make-up
Kayla's classes will be the same as normal.
1:00 - Pre-Ballet
1:30- Pre-school combo
2:15 - Beg. 1 Tap
3:10-3:55 - Jr. Jazz Company - CHOREOGRAPHY
4-4:45 - Jr. Lyrical Company - CHOREOGRAPHY
4:50-5:35 - Jr/Sr. Tap Company - CHOREOGRAPHY
5:45-6:45 - Sr. Company - Technique and CHOREOGRAPHY
3:30 - Private Lesson
4:00 - Beg. Ballet - level 1
4:45 - Beg. Lyrical - level 1
5:30 - Private Lesson
Level 3 and Intermediate Ballet - 6-7
Pointe - 7-7:30
Tricia, Tani, and Shereen leave for NYC the week of August 1 for the Dance Teacher Summit... Check back after for updates and pictures.
Savannah will be subbing for Shereen's rec classes
Tani's classes will be taking Monday off and adding an extra Monday on to make-up
Kayla's classes will be the same as normal.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
DVDs are being mailed! We wanted to touch base with you regarding the DVDs. We videotaped the show ourselves which is why we offered them at a lower price this year. This is our first year mailing them, so forgive us on the delay. The backdrop for the show this year affected the dancers on the stage a bit. The video was edited by Phil Towne and each DVD has been printed/labeled. We packaged them ourselves for you. We hope you are able to enjoy this keepsake and are already working to pick out a backdrop that will enhance the look of the dancers onstage for next year.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Studio Hours week of 7/19-7/23
Next week studio hours:
Monday the 19th - company (10-12:30)
summer camp week #2 with shereen (1-3)
summer camp week #3 with Tani (4-5:30)
Tuesday the 20th - Ballet 3/Int. Week #3 with Kayla (6-7:30)
Monday the 19th - company (10-12:30)
summer camp week #2 with shereen (1-3)
summer camp week #3 with Tani (4-5:30)
Tuesday the 20th - Ballet 3/Int. Week #3 with Kayla (6-7:30)
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Studio Hours week of 7/12-7/17
This week the studio is open:
1-5:30 Monday – Shereen (1-3), Tani (3:30-5:30)
6-7:30 Tuesday – Kayla
9:30-2:30 – Wednesday – Shereen
come in and register for a fall class or pick up your recital DVDs. Remember to fill out a new Policy Form when registering your family this year! :)
1-5:30 Monday – Shereen (1-3), Tani (3:30-5:30)
6-7:30 Tuesday – Kayla
9:30-2:30 – Wednesday – Shereen
come in and register for a fall class or pick up your recital DVDs. Remember to fill out a new Policy Form when registering your family this year! :)
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
June 22
Today is our last day for the Tuesday June classes! Sign up for July/August! Come in between 5-5:15 or 6:00 tonight before close to do so. You can call or email us as well.
Monday June classes finish up next Monday night - you can sign up with Tani before 3:30 or at 5:30 before close.
This Thursday: Parent meeting for Company Stars - packets were already sent out - 4:30
NNY Youth Team parent meeting and try-outs - 5:30
NNY Sr. Team parent meeting and try-outs - 6:30
Be prepared to learn at least 16 counts of material - ready to move
Recital DVDs - process of duplication is going on now! We'll keep you posted! :)
Monday June classes finish up next Monday night - you can sign up with Tani before 3:30 or at 5:30 before close.
This Thursday: Parent meeting for Company Stars - packets were already sent out - 4:30
NNY Youth Team parent meeting and try-outs - 5:30
NNY Sr. Team parent meeting and try-outs - 6:30
Be prepared to learn at least 16 counts of material - ready to move
Recital DVDs - process of duplication is going on now! We'll keep you posted! :)
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
June Update
We are working to get the DVDs completed for you. They are loaded into a computer for editing and to be put onto a DVD from a tape format. This takes time and the man doing it for us has been swamped with school activities as he runs the AV room at WHS. We'll keep you posted soon. The slide show we are hoping to fit right onto the same DVD as the recital show for your convenience.Remember - you need to FILL OUT A FORM in order to place an order. If you still would like to purchase one - you may. We will be ordering a few extra... the price will be $12 for late orders.
Summer Classes
See below to see what classes are available for summer!
Company Stars
Mandatory Parent informational Meeting for Company Stars - Thursday, June 24 at 4:30. Company packets went out in the mail 6/14. Be sure to bring your forms with you to the meeting to register for summer and fall classes.
Fall Classes
We will be having a staff meeting on Sunday, June 27 to determine our finalized Fall schedule for the '10-'11 school year. We will be attempting to add a few classes and assign teachers. As soon as it is finalized we will post that here for your convenience. We appreciate your patience in the meantime and look forward to seeing you all in class.
Summer News:
Shereen and Tricia will once again take a trip to NYC to attend the Dance Teacher Summit! Three fun filled days - classes and seminars, fashion shows, ACE Capezio Awards and so much more - we can't wait to share it all with you upon returning.
If you need to contact us please email:
We are working to get the DVDs completed for you. They are loaded into a computer for editing and to be put onto a DVD from a tape format. This takes time and the man doing it for us has been swamped with school activities as he runs the AV room at WHS. We'll keep you posted soon. The slide show we are hoping to fit right onto the same DVD as the recital show for your convenience.Remember - you need to FILL OUT A FORM in order to place an order. If you still would like to purchase one - you may. We will be ordering a few extra... the price will be $12 for late orders.
Summer Classes
See below to see what classes are available for summer!
Company Stars
Mandatory Parent informational Meeting for Company Stars - Thursday, June 24 at 4:30. Company packets went out in the mail 6/14. Be sure to bring your forms with you to the meeting to register for summer and fall classes.
Fall Classes
We will be having a staff meeting on Sunday, June 27 to determine our finalized Fall schedule for the '10-'11 school year. We will be attempting to add a few classes and assign teachers. As soon as it is finalized we will post that here for your convenience. We appreciate your patience in the meantime and look forward to seeing you all in class.
Summer News:
Shereen and Tricia will once again take a trip to NYC to attend the Dance Teacher Summit! Three fun filled days - classes and seminars, fashion shows, ACE Capezio Awards and so much more - we can't wait to share it all with you upon returning.
If you need to contact us please email:
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
June classes running are: Mondays - 4:00 - Level 1 Ballet, 4:45 - Level 1 Lyrical and Tuesdays - 5:15 - Level 1 Tap
Classes with 5 or more students will receive an In Motion T-shirt!
Sign up now for our July/August Session!!
July - Mondays - 3:00 - Int. Technique, 4:00 - Level 1 Ballet, 4:45 - Level 1 Lyrical, 5:30 - Level 1 Jazz - 6 weeks - Tani
Mondays - 1:00 - Pre-Ballet, 1:30 - Pre-school combo, 2:15 - Level 1 Tap - Shereen
Tuesdays - 5:30-6:15 - Ballet 2, 6:15 - Ballet 3 - Kayla
Wednesdays - 5:30- Inter/Adv. Ballet, 6:30 - Pointe - Kayla
Call 785-5513 for more information or email:
Classes with 5 or more students will receive an In Motion T-shirt!
Sign up now for our July/August Session!!
July - Mondays - 3:00 - Int. Technique, 4:00 - Level 1 Ballet, 4:45 - Level 1 Lyrical, 5:30 - Level 1 Jazz - 6 weeks - Tani
Mondays - 1:00 - Pre-Ballet, 1:30 - Pre-school combo, 2:15 - Level 1 Tap - Shereen
Tuesdays - 5:30-6:15 - Ballet 2, 6:15 - Ballet 3 - Kayla
Wednesdays - 5:30- Inter/Adv. Ballet, 6:30 - Pointe - Kayla
Call 785-5513 for more information or email:
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Ives Hill Retirement Community
Sunday, May 16th, we will be performing for the residents at the Ives Hill Retirement Community! We begin at 4:00, dancers need to report by 3:45. The tentative line-up is looking like the following:
1. A Dream is a Wish - Tue. 4:00 pre-ballet
2. The Climb - Wed. 4:45 lyrical
3. Flying V/If You're Happy and You Know It - 11:00 Wed. Creative Movement
4. Power of the Dream - Petite Company Lyrical
5. Bluebird - Wed. 4:00 Beg. Ballet 2
6. Angels - Lexi/Chloe' duo
7. If We Hold On Together - Little Company Lyrical
8. A You're Adorable - Thursday 4:45 pre-school combo
9. Watch Over You - Savannah/Lexi - sister duo
10. Hair - Little Company Jazz
11. Imagine - Jr. Lyrical Company
12. Grace - solo
13. ????Over the Rainbow - solo????
14. Tres Deseos - Little Company Jazz
If we're missing anyone just give a holler! See you all there!!
1. A Dream is a Wish - Tue. 4:00 pre-ballet
2. The Climb - Wed. 4:45 lyrical
3. Flying V/If You're Happy and You Know It - 11:00 Wed. Creative Movement
4. Power of the Dream - Petite Company Lyrical
5. Bluebird - Wed. 4:00 Beg. Ballet 2
6. Angels - Lexi/Chloe' duo
7. If We Hold On Together - Little Company Lyrical
8. A You're Adorable - Thursday 4:45 pre-school combo
9. Watch Over You - Savannah/Lexi - sister duo
10. Hair - Little Company Jazz
11. Imagine - Jr. Lyrical Company
12. Grace - solo
13. ????Over the Rainbow - solo????
14. Tres Deseos - Little Company Jazz
If we're missing anyone just give a holler! See you all there!!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
COMPANY STARS - important dates/info.
FRIDAY – no Tap practice for petites – 4/23
2:30 - Kyra
3:00 -Little Tap Co.
3:30-4:15 – Little jazz AND Little Lyrical (we’ll split the time)
4:15-4:45 – Jr. Lyrical
4:45-5:15 – Jr. Jazz
5:15-6 – Jr. Sr. Tap Company
Monday – 4/26 – Sr. company done at 8
5/1 – Saturday – STAGE REHEARSAL – park in parking garage
1:00 – Petite Jazz
1:30 – Petite Tap
2:00 – Petite Lyrical
5/2 – Sunday – STAGE REHEARSAL – park in parking garage
5/7 weekend – Sr. Dance Concert at Potsdam – possible road trip for anyone interested – details TBD
5/22 weekend – COMPETITION AT ROCHESTER – make sure you’ve booked your room if you are getting one
2:30 - Kyra
3:00 -Little Tap Co.
3:30-4:15 – Little jazz AND Little Lyrical (we’ll split the time)
4:15-4:45 – Jr. Lyrical
4:45-5:15 – Jr. Jazz
5:15-6 – Jr. Sr. Tap Company
Monday – 4/26 – Sr. company done at 8
5/1 – Saturday – STAGE REHEARSAL – park in parking garage
1:00 – Petite Jazz
1:30 – Petite Tap
2:00 – Petite Lyrical
5/2 – Sunday – STAGE REHEARSAL – park in parking garage
5/7 weekend – Sr. Dance Concert at Potsdam – possible road trip for anyone interested – details TBD
5/22 weekend – COMPETITION AT ROCHESTER – make sure you’ve booked your room if you are getting one
Tuesday, March 09, 2010
Newsletter and Tights
New March Newsletter is posted on the wall at the studio. We are hoping to get it posted/linked on our website and will attempt to email it to anyone on the email list on our new computer.
Also - Capezio Pink Tights for class time and/or recital will be available at the studio. Look for signs going up soon! All ballet classes for the studio need to be in matching pink tights - we've decided this year to offer them through the studio for the convenience of parents needing new ones or new to the process.
Also - Capezio Pink Tights for class time and/or recital will be available at the studio. Look for signs going up soon! All ballet classes for the studio need to be in matching pink tights - we've decided this year to offer them through the studio for the convenience of parents needing new ones or new to the process.
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
Join us on FaceBook!! - search In Motion School of Dance and become a fan!!
Wednesday Hip Hop students - Summer will be handing out important costume information tonight - 3/3. Be sure to take home, give to parents, read! Thanks!
Continue checking the costume wall for balances. Sometimes there are errors in amounts paid and these will be updated on the wall as well as any remaining balances people need to pay. No payment, no costume.
Recital Portrait dates are scheduled: Monday, April 5 (any Mon. classes with costumes in and All Company)
Thursday, May 6 (all other classes) Thank you to Creative Imaging!
Dance Xplosion - come watch our dance company compete at the Dulles State Office Building - weekend of 3/20!! Keep checking back for details. We have 11 groups, 1 solo, and the NNY Hip Hop team all preparing!
Dance Xplosion stage rehearsal Schedule:
10-Little Jazz
10:30 - Little Lyrical
11-Little Tap
11:30-Petite Lyrical
12:00-Petite Jazz
12:30-Petite Tap
1:00-Jr. Lyrical
1:30-Jr. Jazz
2:00- Jr/Sr. Tap
2:30-3:30 - Sr. Company
3:30-4:30 - NNY Hip Hop
5:15 - all come back with costumes
Wednesday Hip Hop students - Summer will be handing out important costume information tonight - 3/3. Be sure to take home, give to parents, read! Thanks!
Continue checking the costume wall for balances. Sometimes there are errors in amounts paid and these will be updated on the wall as well as any remaining balances people need to pay. No payment, no costume.
Recital Portrait dates are scheduled: Monday, April 5 (any Mon. classes with costumes in and All Company)
Thursday, May 6 (all other classes) Thank you to Creative Imaging!
Dance Xplosion - come watch our dance company compete at the Dulles State Office Building - weekend of 3/20!! Keep checking back for details. We have 11 groups, 1 solo, and the NNY Hip Hop team all preparing!
Dance Xplosion stage rehearsal Schedule:
10-Little Jazz
10:30 - Little Lyrical
11-Little Tap
11:30-Petite Lyrical
12:00-Petite Jazz
12:30-Petite Tap
1:00-Jr. Lyrical
1:30-Jr. Jazz
2:00- Jr/Sr. Tap
2:30-3:30 - Sr. Company
3:30-4:30 - NNY Hip Hop
5:15 - all come back with costumes
Monday, February 15, 2010
Company Stars rehearsal
Reminder that tomorrow -Tuesday - is Company rehearsal on the stage. Here is the scheduel
9:30-10 a.m. - Little Jazz – “Hair”
10-10:30 a.m. – Little Lyrical – “If We Hold On Together”
10:30 a.m.-11 – Little Tap – “Spoonful of Sugar”
11-11:30 a.m. – Petite Lyrical – “Power of the Dream”
11:30-12 p.m. – Petite Jazz – “Tres Deseos”
12-12:30 p.m. – Petite Tap – “ABC”
12:30-1:15 p.m. – Jr. Lyrical – “Imagine”
1:15-2 p.m. – Jr. Jazz – “Disco Inferno”
2-2:45 p.m. – Jr. /Sr. Tap – “Puttin’ on the Ritz”
2:45-4 – Sr. company
REHEARSAL CLOTHING - - bring layers until you are warm
also - will be getting together info. for some things you'll need for competition as well as Rochester Hotel info.
Please come in the main doors and have ID ready as tomorrow is a normal work day in the building: Parking garage will not be open to public.
9:30-10 a.m. - Little Jazz – “Hair”
10-10:30 a.m. – Little Lyrical – “If We Hold On Together”
10:30 a.m.-11 – Little Tap – “Spoonful of Sugar”
11-11:30 a.m. – Petite Lyrical – “Power of the Dream”
11:30-12 p.m. – Petite Jazz – “Tres Deseos”
12-12:30 p.m. – Petite Tap – “ABC”
12:30-1:15 p.m. – Jr. Lyrical – “Imagine”
1:15-2 p.m. – Jr. Jazz – “Disco Inferno”
2-2:45 p.m. – Jr. /Sr. Tap – “Puttin’ on the Ritz”
2:45-4 – Sr. company
REHEARSAL CLOTHING - - bring layers until you are warm
also - will be getting together info. for some things you'll need for competition as well as Rochester Hotel info.
Please come in the main doors and have ID ready as tomorrow is a normal work day in the building: Parking garage will not be open to public.
Sunday, February 07, 2010
Company Stars
Please be sure to contact Shereen with your availability for stage rehearsal either Tuesday, Feb. 16 or Thursday, Feb. 18. Our Monday rehearsal needed to be canceled due to the holiday - S.O.B. is closed. At this time we are looking to hold rehearsals at the same time as originally scheduled. Tuesday currently looks better for the groups but be sure to let us know in order to make a definite decision by Tue, Feb. 9 p.m. Thanks so much!
Monday, February 01, 2010
3:45 and 4:15 classes
Today - 2/1 - we will close down for the 3:45 and 4:15 classes due to heavy snows starting in the Watertown area and road conditions are deteriorating. If this continues we will most likely close the rest of the night. Update will be posted for the 5:00-8:30 side of the night by 4:00.
Friday, January 29, 2010
It's cold out there!
Hi everyone!! It sure is cold out there... if you are looking to get your sweaters off and your sweat on...then try one of our Zumba Gold classes!! Megan and Tia will be leading Zumba on Saturday 1/30 at 9:00 and 1:00, each class is $5 per person.
Follow In Motion School of Dance on Facebook now too!! A great way to keep informed on classes and other events within the dance studio!
Follow In Motion School of Dance on Facebook now too!! A great way to keep informed on classes and other events within the dance studio!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Classes are ON for tonight!! If you cannot make it in PLEASE contact us by text or calling - 783-6728.
If weather deteriorates and we need to close early we will make phone calls. Travel safely!
If weather deteriorates and we need to close early we will make phone calls. Travel safely!
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