Thursday, May 31, 2018

Portrait Schedule for 6/10

Recital Portrait Schedule 2018

9:45 a.m. - Pre-Ballet - Monday 5:00 class - “Somewhere Out There” - Shereen -  6 students
      Beg. Ballet 1b - Monday 4:45 p.m. class - “Home” - Makayla-  6 students

10:00 a.m. - Beginning Ballet 1a - Monday 5:30 class - “Ballet of the Little Cafe” - Shereen -  6 students
SOLO slot available

10:10 a.m. - Pre-School Combo - Mon. 4:00 class - “Tiki, Tiki, Tiki Room” - Shereen -   8 students
      -  Beginning Ballet 2 - Monday 5:30 class - “Prince Phillip” - Makayla -   6 students

10:25 a.m. - Beg. Jazz 1 - Tues. 4:45 p.m. class “Castle On The Hill” - Shereen - 11 students
        Beg. Jazz 2 - Thurs. 4:30 p.m. class “It’s On” - Shereen - 5

10:40 a.m.  - Beg. Tap 1 - Tues. 4:00 p.m. class  “Nobody Here But Us Chickens” - Shereen - 6 students
                    - Beg. Lyrical  - Thursday 5:45 p.m. class - “Wonderful World” Rachael - 3 students
Sarah Johnson - “Bridge Of Light” - Shereen

10:50 a.m. - Beg. Tap 2  — Wed. 5:45 class - “Banana Split” - Rachael -  2 students
Beg. Tap 3 - Wed. 6:30 class - “Blame it on the Boogie” - Rachael -  3 students
Reese & Mackenzie - “You Are Found” - Tricia

11:05 a.m. -  Intermediate Tap - Wed. 7:15 class - “Pump Up The Jam” - Rachael -  5 students
Beg. Lyrical 2 - Thurs. 6:30 - “Brother” - Rachael - 6
Mia Mouaikel - “Somewhere Over The Rainbow” - Shereen

11:20 a.m. -  Little Starz Tap - “In The Mood” - Shereen - 6 students 
      - Twinkling Starz Jazz - “Booty Swang” - Savannah - 6 students
Adrianna Weldon - “Bills” - Rachael

11:30 a.m. -  All Starz Contemporary - “Tomorrow Never Comes” - Shereen - 7 students
        Rosie Torrez-Horner - “Jump, Jive, and Wail” - Rachael
Madison Bigelow - “A Little Party” - Shereen

11:40 a.m. -  Little Starz Lyrical - “Words” - Shereen - 11 students

11:50 p.m.  -  Twinkling Starz Lyrical - “Coming Home” - Savannah - 7 students
All Starz Jazz - “Run The World” - Shereen - 7 students

12:05 p.m. - Little Starz Ballet - “Fairy Dance” - Tricia -   15 students

12:15 p.m. -   All Starz Tap - “Treat You Better” - Shereen - 8 students


1:05  p.m. - Hip Hop Group - 21 dancers 
(I would like us to have a group photo of this for the studio)

1:15 p.m. - Little Starz Jazz - “Perm” - Shereen - 12 students

1:25 p.m. - Twinkling Starz Ballet - “Heroes Vs. Villains“ - Savannah - 7 students
Kyra - “Mack The Knife” - Shereen
Mackenzie - “Letters” - Tricia

2:00 p.m. All Starz Ballet - “Assemble” - Tricia - 7 students

2:10 p.m. - Pointe? - “Pirates” - Tricia - 4 students

Tap Trio??  - “Angels” - Shereen   (not sure if they want one???)

Program Order for Saturday shows - 6/2/18

18th Anniversary Recital - “Follow Your Own Rhythm”
SATURDAY - 1:00 
  **surprise opener**
“Get Rhythm” - All Starz & Little Starz Tap Companies 
“ Somewhere Out There” - Pre-School Ballet - Instructor: Shereen Daly  Asst: Kyra Daly
“Assemble” - All Starz Ballet Company - Instructor: Tricia Moore                                                                 
“Bridge of Light” - Instructor: Shereen Daly   
“Tiki, Tiki, Tiki Room” - Pre-School Combo Tap - Instructor: Shereen Daly  Asst: Kyra Daly
“What a Wonderful World” - Lyrical 1 - Instructor: Rachael Giargiano
“ Somewhere Over The Rainbow” - Mia Mouaikel Instructor: Shereen Daly
“ You Will Be Found” - Instructor: Tricia Moore 
“Get On Your Feet” - Pre-School Combo Jazz - Instructor: Shereen Daly  Asst.: Kyra Daly
“ Heroes Vs. Villains” - Twinkling Starz Ballet Instructor: Savannah Keohane
“Words” - Little Starz Lyrical - Instructor: Shereen Daly

*Pre-School Certificates and Acknowledgments*

 “Lip Gloss” -  Company Starz - Instructor: Shereen Daly
“Banana Split For My Baby” - Beginning Tap 2 - Instructor: Rachael Giargiano
“Booty Swang” - Twinkling Starz Jazz - Instructor: Savannah Keohane
 “Tomorrow Never Comes” - All Starz Contemporary - Instructor: Shereen Daly 
“In The Mood” - Little Starz Tap - Instructor: Shereen Daly
 “Castle On The Hill” - Beginning Jazz 1 - Instructor: Shereen Daly
“Chandelier Delight” - Annie Gaus - Instructor: Shereen Daly
 “A Little Party” - Madison Bigelow - Instructor: Shereen Daly
“Brother” - Lyrical 2 - Instructor: Rachael Giargiano
“Treat You Better” - All Starz Tap - Instructor: Shereen Daly 
“Ballet of the Little Café” - Beginning Ballet 1a - Instructor: Shereen Daly   Asst: Kyra Daly
“Coming Home” - Twinkling Starz Contemporary - Instructor: Savannah Grant
“Run The World” - All Starz Jazz - Instructor: Shereen Daly 
 “Perm” - Little Starz Jazz - Instructor: Shereen Daly

CURTAIN CALL - all dancers will line up back stage by act #23 and go across the stage for a final curtain call/bow
Our company will close the show with a short performance 

18th Anniversary Recital - “Follow Your Own Rhythm”
SATURDAY - 6:00 
 **surprise opener**
“Get Rhythm” - All Starz & Little Starz Tap Companies - Instructor: Shereen Daly 
“Home” -  Beginning Ballet 1b - Instructor: Makayla Dillenback
“Assemble” - All Starz Ballet Company - Instructor: Tricia Moore                                                                   
“In The Mood” - Little Starz Tap - Instructor: Shereen Daly
“Prince Phillip” - Beginning Ballet 2 - Instructor: Makayla Dillenback
 “Bills” - Adrianna Weldon - Instructors: Rachael Giargiano
“The Pirates” - Pointe - Instructor: Tricia Moore
“Booty Swang” - Twinkling Starz Jazz - Instructor: Savannah Keohane
“Fairy Dance” - Little Starz Ballet - Instructor: Tricia Moore  
 “It’s On” - Beginning Jazz 2- Instructor: Shereen Daly
“Tomorrow Never Comes” - All Starz Contemporary - Instructor: Shereen Daly 
“Jump, Jive, and Wail” - Rosie Torrez-Horner - Instructor: Rachael Giargiano
“Lip Gloss” -  Company Starz - Instructor: Shereen Daly
“Ain’t Nobody Here But Us Chickens” - Beginning Tap 1 - Instructor: Shereen Daly
 “Words” - Little Starz Lyrical - Instructor: Shereen Daly
“Coming Home” - Twinkling Starz Contemporary - Instructor: Savannah Grant
“Run The World” - All Starz Jazz - Instructor: Shereen Daly
 “Blame It On The Boogie” - Beginning Tap 3 - Instructor: Rachael Giargiano
 “Angels” - Hunter Czajkowski, Kyra Daly, Winifred Gaus   Instructor:  Shereen Daly
“Music and the Mirror” - Dominque Torrez - Instructor: Tricia Moore
“The Letters I’ll Never Send” - Mackenzie Moore  Choreographer: Jolene Indolfi
“Mack The Knife” - Kyra Daly - Choreographer: Anthony Morigerato
“Pump Up The Jam” - Intermediate Tap - Instructor: Rachael Giargiano
“Perm” - Little Starz Jazz - Instructor: Shereen Daly
Dancers: Marra Dickinson, Delaney Linkroum, Mia Mouaikel, Ella Rathbun, Reese Roberts,
“Treat You Better” - All Starz Tap - Instructor: Shereen Daly

CURTAIN CALL - all dancers will line up back stage by act #23 and go across the stage for a final curtain call/bow
Our company will close the show with a short performance