We hope that everyone enjoyed their holiday season. With the New Year upon us, it is time to re-energize and yes, it's time for dance to begin once again! I know many of you have been missing your classes and we have missed you as well, but we did all need a little vacation. Classes begin Wednesday, January 2. Please be sure your accounts are up to date as we will be mailing out bills in the next couple weeks that will include late payments. Make sure your costume deposits have been made as orders will be placed soon. It will be time to make a push on our recital dances for those who have started. Other classes will be starting choreography in the next week or two - attendance is very important. We do not have extra studio time or instructor availability to catch students up on missed choreography so do your best to get to classes.
We also want to take a moment to congratulate everyone involved with The Nutcracker this year. The show seemed to be a success and we've heard many wonderful things. The show was featured on WWNY 7 as one of the "North Country's Finest". You can check it out by going to their website, searching "Nutcracker", and clicking on the first result. We also had a dance dad write a warm letter to the people in Sunday's Watertown Times - we thank you! It's hard work putting a show like that together but we hope that the finished product is well worth the effort, it is for us and we are proud of all of you!
Newsletters will be out soon and as soon as all the costumes are decided on we will be posting balances. Until then...sit back and enjoy a little dancing!! See you all in class!
Shereen, Tricia, Jessica