Monday, June 27, 2011

New July classes!!

Savannah will be offering classes to students during the following dates. If you are interested you MUST contact me ASAP or come in to the studio Tuesday – tomorrow – 4:15-7:15 to pay and get on the forms. These have been added due to popular request for July classes

Wednesdays – July 6, 13, 20, 27th

11:15 – pre-Jazz – 30 min. - $32.50 for the month
11:50 – pre-ballet – 30 min. - same price
12:30 – Beg. Jazz – 45 min. - $37.50 for the month
1:15 – Beg. Tap – 45 min. - same price
2:00 – Beg. Ballet – 45 min. - same price

Regular discounts apply.

If you have an unpaid balance from spring or June classes you may not register or participate until it has been paid in full.

If we do not have at least 4/5 students on a class list by Saturday, July 2 we will cancel the class. Be sure to contact us ASAP by email: or phone 785-5513 Today!