Thursday, Dec. 27
10-11 - Ballet for ages 8-12 (beg. level 2/3)
11-12:30 - Horton Technique - MODERN - open to ages 8 and up
12:30-1 - Nutrition Discussion - How to eat and live healthy!
1-2:30 - Ballet for ages 12 and up (Int./Adv.)
$5 each class. Nutrition discussion is FREE.
Teacher - Katie Sloan
Danced locally for many years, graduate from South Jefferson '04. Studied with Terpsie Toon, Debbie Boughton from Center for Ballet and Dance Arts in Syracuse. She has danced as a trainee in Richmond Ballet for 2 years. She has performed in the corps for Giselle, Sleeping Beauty, and the Nutcracker. This is Katie's 2nd year with Dayton Contemporary Dance's 2nd company where she studied ballet, jazz, and modern; Horton Technique. Katie is also a dietetics, nutrition, major and will graduate this year with an associates degree.
Please contact the studio if you are interested in taking a class. We need students to be on a list...payment can be made before class or the day off if they are on the list.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Company Stars Party
The Company Stars will have a New Year's Party on Saturday, Dec. 29 at the Italian American Club 1-3 p.m. Be sure you have returned your slips to the studio.
This is our last week of classes until after January 1st. We will begin Tech Rehearsals for the Nutcracker on Friday, Dec. 14. Please look below at our previous posts for rehearsal times. The show is on Thursday, Dec. 20 at 7:30. First day of classes will be January 2 - be sure to check your payment book calendar for days off throughout the year.
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Sugar Plum Ball
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Nutcracker Rehearsals 'til showtime
Monday, November 26 - 8:00 p.m. - Toy Soldier - Rachel B.
Tuesday, November 27 - 6-7 p.m. - Flowers, 7-8 - Sugar Plum Fairy
Thursday, November 29 - 7:45 - Arabian/Puppet - Kristina F.
Friday, November 30 - 5:30-6:30 - Adult Dance, 5:00 - possibly Flowers??
Saturday, December 1 - 9-9:45 - Battle Scene (mice, soldiers, Clara, Nutcracker)
9:45-11:15 - Party Scene - Beginning of show up to Battle scene
11:15-12:15 - Snowflakes w/ Tricia
11:15-12:00 - Marzipan w/Shereen
12:15-12:45 - Angels w/ Shereen & Chinese w/Tricia
12:45-1:15 - Mother Ginger w/ Shereen & Flowers w/ Tricia
1:15-1:45 - Spanish and Russian w/ Shereen & Tricia
Friday, December 7 - 5-6 - Chinese & Snowflakes
6-7:30 - Russian/Spanish/Flowers
7:30 - Allison C. w/ Tricia
Saturday, December 8 - 9-10:30 - ACT I
10:30-11:00 - Angels (may have Clara/Nutcracker/Sugar Plum)
11-12 - Adult Dance
Nutcracker March - all dancers in Party Scene
Russian w/o gymnasts
Sugar Plum Fairy ??
2 recreational pre-school dances
TECH WEEK BEGINS DEC. 14!! - All rehearsals beginning today are at STATE OFFICE BUILDING AUDITORIUM - Box OFFICE will be OPEN during REHEARSALS for TICKET SALES
Friday, Dec. 14 - 4:30 - 8:00 - ACT II dances - practice order
Sugar Plum Fairy
Mother Ginger
Saturday, Dec. 15 - 9-12 - ACT I
afternoon is open for extra practice, staging, or running ACT II if necessary
Sunday Dec. 16 - TBD - auditorium available if needed for staging or extra rehearsals....let's see how we're doing.
Monday, Dec. 17 - 5:00 - Full Run through - in costumes - do not leave until you check in with directors - we may need to run show twice?
Tuesday, Dec. 18 - same as Monday
Wednesday, Dec. 19 - Full Dress Rehearsal - Hair, make-up and costumes beginning at 5:30
Thursday, Dec. 20 - SHOWTIME! - We've moved curtain time up to 7:30 to give everyone more time after school and work. Please be there about 6:00 p.m. getting ready and box office will open at 6:45.
Tuesday, November 27 - 6-7 p.m. - Flowers, 7-8 - Sugar Plum Fairy
Thursday, November 29 - 7:45 - Arabian/Puppet - Kristina F.
Friday, November 30 - 5:30-6:30 - Adult Dance, 5:00 - possibly Flowers??
Saturday, December 1 - 9-9:45 - Battle Scene (mice, soldiers, Clara, Nutcracker)
9:45-11:15 - Party Scene - Beginning of show up to Battle scene
11:15-12:15 - Snowflakes w/ Tricia
11:15-12:00 - Marzipan w/Shereen
12:15-12:45 - Angels w/ Shereen & Chinese w/Tricia
12:45-1:15 - Mother Ginger w/ Shereen & Flowers w/ Tricia
1:15-1:45 - Spanish and Russian w/ Shereen & Tricia
Friday, December 7 - 5-6 - Chinese & Snowflakes
6-7:30 - Russian/Spanish/Flowers
7:30 - Allison C. w/ Tricia
Saturday, December 8 - 9-10:30 - ACT I
10:30-11:00 - Angels (may have Clara/Nutcracker/Sugar Plum)
11-12 - Adult Dance
Nutcracker March - all dancers in Party Scene
Russian w/o gymnasts
Sugar Plum Fairy ??
2 recreational pre-school dances
TECH WEEK BEGINS DEC. 14!! - All rehearsals beginning today are at STATE OFFICE BUILDING AUDITORIUM - Box OFFICE will be OPEN during REHEARSALS for TICKET SALES
Friday, Dec. 14 - 4:30 - 8:00 - ACT II dances - practice order
Sugar Plum Fairy
Mother Ginger
Saturday, Dec. 15 - 9-12 - ACT I
afternoon is open for extra practice, staging, or running ACT II if necessary
Sunday Dec. 16 - TBD - auditorium available if needed for staging or extra rehearsals....let's see how we're doing.
Monday, Dec. 17 - 5:00 - Full Run through - in costumes - do not leave until you check in with directors - we may need to run show twice?
Tuesday, Dec. 18 - same as Monday
Wednesday, Dec. 19 - Full Dress Rehearsal - Hair, make-up and costumes beginning at 5:30
Thursday, Dec. 20 - SHOWTIME! - We've moved curtain time up to 7:30 to give everyone more time after school and work. Please be there about 6:00 p.m. getting ready and box office will open at 6:45.
Friday, October 26, 2007
New class - Beginning Tap
Beginning Thursday, November 1 - we will be holding beginning level 1 tap for ages 5-8. This class will be at 5:30 with Shereen. Come and try a class!
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Pre-school parents
Pre-School parents.... As we enter our 5th week of classes we ask that you consider stepping back from the doorway of the studio. We encourage you to be nearby and to take a peek but with such large numbers of parents watching we feel it may be distracting the children. Teachers will designate days for parents to come into the studio at the end of classes for showings. Also, please respect the studio space and be sure only teachers and students are in the dance room during class times. We believe that the children are becoming famliar and more comfortable with the studio, their peers, and their teachers. Allowing space for your teachers to instruct the children will facilitate a better learning environment and you will be happy as you see the results month to month. We thank you so much for your understanding as we work together to make the best environments for our dancers. - Shereen :)
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Beginning Tap I
Beginning Tap I for ages 5-8 is on our schedule for Thursdays at 5:30 with Shereen. We have one person on an interest list. If anyone is considering the class and would like to be added to the list - we are looking for a total of 4/5 students to begin the class. Please contact us via phone or email: 785-5513 or
Friday, September 21, 2007
Dress Code and other business
Ballet: Pink Tights, Black leotar, hair up (preferrably a bun if possible), pink leather ballet shoes
Jazz/Tap/Hip Hop: Black dance bottoms - not to hang below ankle, leotards or fitted tank tops; dance apparel. No t-shirts, sweatpants, jeans, shorts allowed. Hair must be worn up.
Lyrical - Tights/leotard/skirt is optional/ hair up
No gum in class. Please consume only water during classes. Students may bring their own water or buy a bottle from the fridge for a 50 cent donation. We ask that students do not drink beverages high in sugars such as fruit punches and sodas as this does not provide adequate hydration during physical activity. Thank you for your cooperation.
Families bring food to the waiting room - please encourage your children to eat at the blue table. We ask that anything with dipping sauces, etc. be kept at the table and an adult dispose of these when finished. Our new carpet rec'd a bit of a beating in a couple areas on Tuesday night. We appreicate your help in trying to keep the studio looking clean!
Jazz/Tap/Hip Hop: Black dance bottoms - not to hang below ankle, leotards or fitted tank tops; dance apparel. No t-shirts, sweatpants, jeans, shorts allowed. Hair must be worn up.
Lyrical - Tights/leotard/skirt is optional/ hair up
No gum in class. Please consume only water during classes. Students may bring their own water or buy a bottle from the fridge for a 50 cent donation. We ask that students do not drink beverages high in sugars such as fruit punches and sodas as this does not provide adequate hydration during physical activity. Thank you for your cooperation.
Families bring food to the waiting room - please encourage your children to eat at the blue table. We ask that anything with dipping sauces, etc. be kept at the table and an adult dispose of these when finished. Our new carpet rec'd a bit of a beating in a couple areas on Tuesday night. We appreicate your help in trying to keep the studio looking clean!
Openings in the following classes are available:
10 student max for pre-school classes
15 student max for beg. and up
Monday - 4:00 - Ballet 2 - 3 enrolled
Monday - 4:45 - Jazz 2 - 2 enrolled
Monday - 5:30 - Pre-ballet I - 2 spaces available
Monday - 6:15 - Advanced Beginner Jazz for senior students - 1 enrolled
Monday - 7:00 - Intermediate Tap for senior students - 3 enrolled
Tuesday - 4:00 - Ballet IB - 7 spaces available
Wednesday - 4:00 - Pre-ballet II - 3 enrolled
Wednesday - 4:30 - Beg. Ballet 3 - OPEN - may add 2 yr. old class in creative movement - contact studio to get on our waiting list - 785-5513
Wednesday - 5:15 - Int/Adv. Ballet - 4 enrolled
Wednesday - 6:15 - Intermediate Lyrical - 4 enrolled
Wednesday - 7:00 - Intermediate Jazz - 5 enrolled
Thursday - 4:00 - pre-school combo (tap/ballet) - 4 openings
Thursdays - 4:45 - ballet I - 2 openings
Thursdays - 5:30 - Jazz I - 2 enrolled
Thursdays - 5:30 - Tap I - OPEN
Thursdays - 6:15 - Hip Hop - 2 enrolled
Thursdays - 6:15 - Jazz 3 - 7 enrolled
Thursdays - 7:00 - Beg. Lyrical - 4 enrolled
Thursdays - 7:00 - Tap 3 - 5 enrolled
10 student max for pre-school classes
15 student max for beg. and up
Monday - 4:00 - Ballet 2 - 3 enrolled
Monday - 4:45 - Jazz 2 - 2 enrolled
Monday - 5:30 - Pre-ballet I - 2 spaces available
Monday - 6:15 - Advanced Beginner Jazz for senior students - 1 enrolled
Monday - 7:00 - Intermediate Tap for senior students - 3 enrolled
Tuesday - 4:00 - Ballet IB - 7 spaces available
Wednesday - 4:00 - Pre-ballet II - 3 enrolled
Wednesday - 4:30 - Beg. Ballet 3 - OPEN - may add 2 yr. old class in creative movement - contact studio to get on our waiting list - 785-5513
Wednesday - 5:15 - Int/Adv. Ballet - 4 enrolled
Wednesday - 6:15 - Intermediate Lyrical - 4 enrolled
Wednesday - 7:00 - Intermediate Jazz - 5 enrolled
Thursday - 4:00 - pre-school combo (tap/ballet) - 4 openings
Thursdays - 4:45 - ballet I - 2 openings
Thursdays - 5:30 - Jazz I - 2 enrolled
Thursdays - 5:30 - Tap I - OPEN
Thursdays - 6:15 - Hip Hop - 2 enrolled
Thursdays - 6:15 - Jazz 3 - 7 enrolled
Thursdays - 7:00 - Beg. Lyrical - 4 enrolled
Thursdays - 7:00 - Tap 3 - 5 enrolled
Class Change
Beginning Hip Hop for ages 8-11 is moving... the class will move to 6:15-7:00 on Thursday evenings. We have lots of room for anyone interested, please let us know or stop in and try a class before registering.
Beginning Jazz I for ages 5-8 is moving... the class will move to 5:30-6:15 on Thursday evenings. We also have many spaces in this class. If you are interested please let us know or stop in and try a class.
Beginning Tap I at 5:30 is currently open for enrollment on Thursday nights. No one is in the class and we will only keep the time open for approximately 4 more weeks. We need 4-6 students to hold a class so if you are interested please contact the Shereen at 785-5513.
Beginning Jazz I for ages 5-8 is moving... the class will move to 5:30-6:15 on Thursday evenings. We also have many spaces in this class. If you are interested please let us know or stop in and try a class.
Beginning Tap I at 5:30 is currently open for enrollment on Thursday nights. No one is in the class and we will only keep the time open for approximately 4 more weeks. We need 4-6 students to hold a class so if you are interested please contact the Shereen at 785-5513.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
2 yr. old class
If you have a 2 yr. old who loves to move or you know someone who does give us a call. We have begun a waiting list for 2 yr. olds aspiring to dance. There are 3 on the list as of 9/14/07. If we have at least 6 we will contact everyone and start the class in an open slot on our schedule. Call 785-5513 for information.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
New students - $16/ each add'l child - $8
Current students - $14/each add'l child - $7
Multiple Class discount - 8%
Family Discount - 12%
Refer-a-Friend - new students that list current students as a referral - each family receives $10 off their first payment of the year (does not apply to solo/duo fees).
Private Instruction/Choreography
Solos - $18 per 30 min. session
Duos - $12 per dancer per 30 min. session
Trios - $10 per dancer per 30 min. session
(choreography time only - available only upon instructor availability)... must be enrolled in technique classes in order to take.
30 min. classes
Monthly - $32.50, 3 installments - $89.70 each, annual - $263.25
45 min. classes
Monthly - $37.50, 3 installments - $103.50, annual - $303.75
1 Hr. Classes
Monthly - $45, 3 installments - $124.20, annual - $364.50
Families must choose their payment method at the beginning of the year. $10 late fees. Accounts in poor standing may result in suspension from classes until amounts are pd. in full. Check or cash only; payable to "In Motion".
Recital 2008 will be held Saturday, May 31 with rehearsals on May 29 and May 30. Costumes will be required. a $25 deposit is due by Nov. - date to be posted - balances due in Jan. - date to be posted.
Nutcracker - All In Motion students are invited to audition for the Nutcracker 2007 - auditions will be Sept. 15 at the studio - details available in classes the first week - we start Sept. 10. The show is Thursday, Dec. 20 at the State Office Building.
New students - $16/ each add'l child - $8
Current students - $14/each add'l child - $7
Multiple Class discount - 8%
Family Discount - 12%
Refer-a-Friend - new students that list current students as a referral - each family receives $10 off their first payment of the year (does not apply to solo/duo fees).
Private Instruction/Choreography
Solos - $18 per 30 min. session
Duos - $12 per dancer per 30 min. session
Trios - $10 per dancer per 30 min. session
(choreography time only - available only upon instructor availability)... must be enrolled in technique classes in order to take.
30 min. classes
Monthly - $32.50, 3 installments - $89.70 each, annual - $263.25
45 min. classes
Monthly - $37.50, 3 installments - $103.50, annual - $303.75
1 Hr. Classes
Monthly - $45, 3 installments - $124.20, annual - $364.50
Families must choose their payment method at the beginning of the year. $10 late fees. Accounts in poor standing may result in suspension from classes until amounts are pd. in full. Check or cash only; payable to "In Motion".
Recital 2008 will be held Saturday, May 31 with rehearsals on May 29 and May 30. Costumes will be required. a $25 deposit is due by Nov. - date to be posted - balances due in Jan. - date to be posted.
Nutcracker - All In Motion students are invited to audition for the Nutcracker 2007 - auditions will be Sept. 15 at the studio - details available in classes the first week - we start Sept. 10. The show is Thursday, Dec. 20 at the State Office Building.
4:00-4:30 - Beg. Ballet II w/ Jessica
4:45-5:30 - Beg. Jazz II w/ Jessica
4:45-5:30 - Pre-dance combo with Tricia
5:30-6 - Pre-Ballet I (3 yr. olds) with Jessica
5:30-6:30 - Int/Adv. Ballet w/ Tricia
6:30-7:15 - Sr. Lyrical Company
7:15-8 - Sr. Jazz Company
6:30-7:15 - Sr. Beg/Int Jazz w/ Shereen
7:15-8 - Sr. Int. Tap w/ Shereen
4-4:45 - Ballet 1B w/ Shereen
4-4:45 - Ballet 3 - Company only w/ Tricia
4:45-5:30 - Little Stars company w/ Shereen
4:45-5:30 - Petite Lyrical Company w/ Tricia
5:30-6:15 - Petite Jazz w/ Shereen
5:30-6 - Little Stars Lyrical w/Tricia
6:15-7 - Jr. Tap Company
7-7:45 - Jr. Jazz Company
4-4:30 - Pre-Ballet II (4yr. olds) w/ Jessica
4:30-5:15 - Beg. Ballet III w/ Jessica
5:15-6:15 - Int/Adv. Ballet w/ Jessica
6:15-7 - Sr. Lyrical w/ Jessica
7-7:45 - Int/Adv. Sr. Jazz
4-4:45 - Pre-dance combo (3/4 yr.olds, tap/ballet) w/ Shereen
4:45-5:30 - Beg. Ballet I w/ Shereen
5:30-6:15 - Beg. Tap I w/ Shereen
5:30-6:15 - Beg. Hip Hop w/ Kristina (7-11 yr. olds)
6:15-7 - Beg. Jazz I w/ Kristina
6:15-7 - Beg. Jazz III w/ Shereen
7-7:45 - Beg. Tap III w/ Shereen
7-7:45 - Beg. Lyrical w/ Kristina
We are beginning a waiting/interest list for 2 yr. old classes. Also, pre-dance on MOnday is now full but we have begun a waiting list for that class as well. Please contact us.
4:00-4:30 - Beg. Ballet II w/ Jessica
4:45-5:30 - Beg. Jazz II w/ Jessica
4:45-5:30 - Pre-dance combo with Tricia
5:30-6 - Pre-Ballet I (3 yr. olds) with Jessica
5:30-6:30 - Int/Adv. Ballet w/ Tricia
6:30-7:15 - Sr. Lyrical Company
7:15-8 - Sr. Jazz Company
6:30-7:15 - Sr. Beg/Int Jazz w/ Shereen
7:15-8 - Sr. Int. Tap w/ Shereen
4-4:45 - Ballet 1B w/ Shereen
4-4:45 - Ballet 3 - Company only w/ Tricia
4:45-5:30 - Little Stars company w/ Shereen
4:45-5:30 - Petite Lyrical Company w/ Tricia
5:30-6:15 - Petite Jazz w/ Shereen
5:30-6 - Little Stars Lyrical w/Tricia
6:15-7 - Jr. Tap Company
7-7:45 - Jr. Jazz Company
4-4:30 - Pre-Ballet II (4yr. olds) w/ Jessica
4:30-5:15 - Beg. Ballet III w/ Jessica
5:15-6:15 - Int/Adv. Ballet w/ Jessica
6:15-7 - Sr. Lyrical w/ Jessica
7-7:45 - Int/Adv. Sr. Jazz
4-4:45 - Pre-dance combo (3/4 yr.olds, tap/ballet) w/ Shereen
4:45-5:30 - Beg. Ballet I w/ Shereen
5:30-6:15 - Beg. Tap I w/ Shereen
5:30-6:15 - Beg. Hip Hop w/ Kristina (7-11 yr. olds)
6:15-7 - Beg. Jazz I w/ Kristina
6:15-7 - Beg. Jazz III w/ Shereen
7-7:45 - Beg. Tap III w/ Shereen
7-7:45 - Beg. Lyrical w/ Kristina
We are beginning a waiting/interest list for 2 yr. old classes. Also, pre-dance on MOnday is now full but we have begun a waiting list for that class as well. Please contact us.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Fall Classes
Our Fall schedule begins on Monday, Sept. 10. If you are interested in re-registering your child or registering a new student in our dance program please contact us as soon as possible to reserve your space in classes. 785-5513 or email:
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Summer Schedule
Wednesdays until August 15:
11:15-12:00 - Little Stars - technique and new choreography
12-1:00 - Company (petite-Sr.) and Int/Adv. students - dance technique
Each week will focus on different dance disciplines: ballet, jazz, modern, lyrical
1:15-2:15 - Company (petite-Sr.) and Int/Adv. students - turns, etc.
Each week students will participate in a combination of studies involving turns, leaps, jumps,
stretching and conditioning.
2:15-3:00 - Level I Tap - mixed ages - 9 and up
Thursdays until August 15:
12-12:45 - Beginning Level 2/3 Jazz
Solo Choreography by appt.
Thursdays: 10:45 - Janelle, 11:15 - Hannah M., 12:45 - Taylor S.
call to book your solo appt. with your instructor
11:15-12:00 - Little Stars - technique and new choreography
12-1:00 - Company (petite-Sr.) and Int/Adv. students - dance technique
Each week will focus on different dance disciplines: ballet, jazz, modern, lyrical
1:15-2:15 - Company (petite-Sr.) and Int/Adv. students - turns, etc.
Each week students will participate in a combination of studies involving turns, leaps, jumps,
stretching and conditioning.
2:15-3:00 - Level I Tap - mixed ages - 9 and up
Thursdays until August 15:
12-12:45 - Beginning Level 2/3 Jazz
Solo Choreography by appt.
Thursdays: 10:45 - Janelle, 11:15 - Hannah M., 12:45 - Taylor S.
call to book your solo appt. with your instructor
Friday, July 13, 2007
Flower Memorial Library
Shereen will participate with the Flower Memorial Library on Tuesday, August 7 at 6:30 in a story hour. Tuesday evening story hours are Pajama Parties in the children's library. All stories will be themed around bedtime and milk and cookies will be provided afterward by the library. The librarian and Shereen will provide stories that evening and Shereen will lead everyone in a movement lesson based on the stories for the evening. All ages are welcome! Hope to see you all there!
Mannsville Free Library Workshop

This week Shereen, Tricia, and Teacher's asst., Tani Currier, led students in a dance workshop made possible through a grant with New York State Council for the Arts Decentralization Project. The grant allowed students to take classes for free. Classes offered were in hip hop and modern dance. Attendees learned 4 "mini-dances" and had an informal showing for friends and family on Thursday night. The photo shows students before their big night! Everyone had a great night and we thank Mary Snyder and the Mannsville Free Library for inviting us to be a part of this event. Once again we see how the arts benefits communities. These kids were all given a safe and fun outlet and activity for the week! We worked Mon-Wed. 11-1 and Thursday night's show was at 5:15 with refreshments afterwards. Everyone worked hard and did a great job!! We are looking forward to next year's visit when we hope to produce a home-grown mini-musical! Thanks again to Mannsville Free Library!
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Welcome! New Faculty, Jessica Renzi
In Motion is proud and excited to announce the addition of Jessica Lynch Renzi to its staff. Jessica is thrilled to be joining the staff at In Motion. A graduate of the University of Virginia with a BA in Theater, she began her formal ballet training at the age of 10 with Ballet Memphis. She has been seen in both their junior and professional companies, including the role of Clara in "The Nutcracker" which was shown on television for three years. Jessica has studied with Alexei Moskalenko of the Bolshoi Ballet and Nora Curran of Chicago at the American school of Russian Ballet. At 16, she attended the prestigious Boston Ballet Summer Dance program and the following year attended the Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre Summer Dance program, which only accepted 100 students nationwide. In 2000 Jessica moved New York City to pursue a career in acting and was seen in the ensemble of the world famous Radio City Music Hall Christmas Spectacular and shows at PSNBC. In 2003 she went on to win the title of Miss New York and competed on national television in the Miss America pageant. Jessica is married to Watertown attorney David Renzi and they have one son, Eugene Nicholas. They are expecting their second son this September.
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Summer and Fall Schedules
Our summer and Fall schedules will be posted soon. I am awaiting confirmations from our faculty before posting. Summer classes will include classes for our company as well as beginning level classes in tap, jazz, ballet, and lyrical. We will also offer pre-school classes in tap, jazz, ballet and creative movement. Check back here after June 10!
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