Thursday, September 06, 2007


New students - $16/ each add'l child - $8
Current students - $14/each add'l child - $7


Multiple Class discount - 8%
Family Discount - 12%
Refer-a-Friend - new students that list current students as a referral - each family receives $10 off their first payment of the year (does not apply to solo/duo fees).

Private Instruction/Choreography
Solos - $18 per 30 min. session
Duos - $12 per dancer per 30 min. session
Trios - $10 per dancer per 30 min. session
(choreography time only - available only upon instructor availability)... must be enrolled in technique classes in order to take.

30 min. classes
Monthly - $32.50, 3 installments - $89.70 each, annual - $263.25
45 min. classes
Monthly - $37.50, 3 installments - $103.50, annual - $303.75
1 Hr. Classes
Monthly - $45, 3 installments - $124.20, annual - $364.50

Families must choose their payment method at the beginning of the year. $10 late fees. Accounts in poor standing may result in suspension from classes until amounts are pd. in full. Check or cash only; payable to "In Motion".

Recital 2008 will be held Saturday, May 31 with rehearsals on May 29 and May 30. Costumes will be required. a $25 deposit is due by Nov. - date to be posted - balances due in Jan. - date to be posted.

Nutcracker - All In Motion students are invited to audition for the Nutcracker 2007 - auditions will be Sept. 15 at the studio - details available in classes the first week - we start Sept. 10. The show is Thursday, Dec. 20 at the State Office Building.