Friday, September 21, 2007

Dress Code and other business

Ballet: Pink Tights, Black leotar, hair up (preferrably a bun if possible), pink leather ballet shoes
Jazz/Tap/Hip Hop: Black dance bottoms - not to hang below ankle, leotards or fitted tank tops; dance apparel. No t-shirts, sweatpants, jeans, shorts allowed. Hair must be worn up.
Lyrical - Tights/leotard/skirt is optional/ hair up

No gum in class. Please consume only water during classes. Students may bring their own water or buy a bottle from the fridge for a 50 cent donation. We ask that students do not drink beverages high in sugars such as fruit punches and sodas as this does not provide adequate hydration during physical activity. Thank you for your cooperation.

Families bring food to the waiting room - please encourage your children to eat at the blue table. We ask that anything with dipping sauces, etc. be kept at the table and an adult dispose of these when finished. Our new carpet rec'd a bit of a beating in a couple areas on Tuesday night. We appreicate your help in trying to keep the studio looking clean!